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Geek Fam part ways with Raven


Geek Fam is one of the more interesting SEA Dota 2 teams. Even in competition against the giants of Fnatic and TNC, GF managed to find a path to success numerous times. One of their main strengths was Marc Polo Luis “Raven” Fausto, a player who has proven himself countless times. In fact, people often refer to him as the best carry in SEA.

Although Geek Fam has been on a winning streak recently, the dream decided to part ways with the talented player.

Raven joined the team just after TI 9, when Geek Farm decided to reform its roster. Following the changes, the SEA team started to see strong results at almost every event. In fact, they even managed to qualify for the LA Major, which was due to be played in March but postponed due to COVID-19, denying Geek Fam a chance to show what they’re capable of.

Despite that disappointment, the team played well in almost all online events they attended. They defeated the best teams in their region multiple times and looked strong doing so. However, it seems that behind the scenes there may have been an internal conflict that led to the decision to part ways with Raven.

Following the changes, this is GF’s current roster:

  • Karl “Karl” Jayme
  • Carlo “Kuku” Palad
  • Kenny “Xepther” Deo
  • Matthew “Whitemon” Filemo

We have no idea what the future holds for Raven or Geek Fam in the future. Hopefully, both player and organization will find what they’re looking for.

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